scratch yahoo

1. (make marks) 抓; 抓傷 be careful of the cat, she scratches 小心那隻貓,牠會抓人 a few hens were scratching in the dust of the yard 幾隻母雞在院子裡刨土 bramble bushes have thorns, and they scratch 黑莓灌木上有刺,能傷人 2. (relieve itch) 撓癢

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  • 有一英語片語不會... from mixes, but Becky always makes hers from scratch. 譯: 我通常使用已調配好的蛋糕混合料做蛋糕, 但...
    from scratch - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own ...
    Scratch - Official Site
  • 1. 碰巧的,偶然的 2. 湊合的,匆匆組成的 Theirs is a scratch team and did not expect to win the game. 他們是臨時...
    scratch - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • 抓;搔. He pretended to scratch his ear. 他假裝搔耳朵。 2. 抓破,劃破;抓傷,劃傷. His arms were scratched by t...
    scratch - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • 1. (make marks) 抓; 抓傷 be careful of the cat, she scratches 小心那隻貓,牠會抓人 a few hens were scra...
    scratch - Yahoo香港字典 搜尋結果
  • (mark with a scratch) 劃破. the cat scratched me on the arm or scratched my arm 貓抓傷了我的胳膊to (...
    SCRATCH - Yahoo香港字典搜尋結果
  • 培養程式邏輯訓練,在玩樂中學習 體驗Scratch 2.0互動式創意遊戲開發 Scratch這套軟體主要是以積木堆疊的方式來拼貼程式指令,能讓使用者發揮創意來設計互動式故事、動畫或...
    Scratch 2.0 動畫遊戲設計 | TAAZE 讀冊生活網路書店 - Yahoo奇 ...
  • 內容簡介: Scratch 是由美國麻省理工學院(MIT) 開發的一套開源的、專門為八歲到十六歲兒童準備的程式設計軟體。各位讀者平時聽到程式設計,是不是覺得有點高山仰止、難以接近的...
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  • English:單字scratch的意思、片語問題 ...都是刮......所以他的意思在形容要東刮刮西刮刮來湊錢...勉強糊口的意思那scratch along呢也是一樣的意思只...
    scratch along - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • just跟only的差別是什麼?還有ㄧ句句子不知哪裡錯誤? ...a narrow margin; barely--------- just missed being hit; j...
    scratch hit - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • 庇祐at hand - 在手邊see after - 照顧scratch out - 用盡力量取得make out - 好不 ... picture a subsist...
    scratch out - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • 有哪個高手可以幫我翻譯下面這些馬來西亞句子 ...spit them You push pull each other's hair, scratch claw hit h...
    scratch race - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • 準備好; 合乎規格. He is an avid reader, and you may be sure that he is up to scratch. 他是一個讀起書來就廢寢...
    up to scratch - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
  • completely destroyed in the accident,yet she walked away without a scratch! ... ...pseudo ...
    without a scratch - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
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    Yahoo Search - Web Search
  • YAHOO! on Scratch by angeco. ... YAHOO! YAHOO! YAHOO! YAHOO! Notes and Credits. YAHOO! Sha...
    YAHOO! on Scratch
  • 我認為此問題違反社群指南 聊天或爭嚷、成人內容、垃圾信、侮辱其他成員、顯示更多 我認為此問題違反服務條款 對未成年兒童有害、帶有暴力或脅迫意味、騷擾或侵犯隱私權、假冒或不實陳述、欺...
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  • 各位大大幫幫忙:) 我找了很久...都沒有中文版?? 可是我學校的有阿= = 我已經下載英文版了 怎麼下載中文版? 可以給下載點嗎? 怕被移掉就給網址吧
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